focuses are on the one hand the situation of women in Africa - accompanying
the TERRE DES FEMMES campaign against female genital mutilation starting
in November. However, not only AIDS and FGM are characteristic traits
for the women of this continent. An impressive strength is demonstrated
by the female president of war-destroyed Liberia and by dedicated artists
and mothers who prepare their children to face a life in their absence.
On the other hand the regional focus lies on Afghanistan with the majority
of the films from or about Samira Makhmalbaf. With these films, the
once more precarious situation of Afghan women is focused. Independent
US-productions will be screened, among them on November 4th, the night
of the US presidential elections, the feature film "Iron Jawed
Angels" about American suffragettes stunningly performed by head
actress Hilary Swank.
Thematic focuses are different aspects of violence against women and
these women's efforts to resist. A conspicuous interrelation can be
found within the problematics of stalking, honor-killings and the absent
protection and rights of victims worldwide. Impressing Indian women,
however, also show us in the documentary "Shortcut to Justice" how
- despite a malfunctioning judicial system - women's power can be established
in order to protect endangered and threatened women and to accompany
them in solidarity.