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Festival impressions 2019 – Raising the flag for the International Day “NO to violence against women”, on 23rd of November

The Ernst-Bloch choir opens the event at the city hall of Tübingen with beautiful music

On the International Day against Violence against Women also speaks Lord Mayor Boris Palmer and demands that violence against women should not suffer any relativization. He explains that he has looked into the topic of prostitution since shortly ago and that the following line of argument makes sense to him: that a legal ban on buying sex could dry out the prostitution market due to the withdrawal of money, a market that is connected to so much experiences of violence and human trafficking.

The Commissioner for Gender Equality of the city of Tübingen, Luzia Köberlein speaks about the present importance of this day.

Marie Kaltenbach, co-founder of the regional group of Tübingen/Reutlingen of the association “SISTERS – for the Exit from Prostitution”. She speaks on behalf of the “Tübingen Womens Network March 8th” and puts the demand of a change of lawmaking towards a prohibition of buying sex in accordance with the “Nordic Model” into the center of her talk.

Lord Mayor Boris Palmer, Executive Chairwoman of TERRE DES FEMMES Christa Stolle and TERRE DES FEMMES Chairwoman Inge Bell.

Executive Chairwoman of TERRE DES FEMMES Christa Stolle speaks about the work of TERRE DES FEMMES on the topics of Women Trafficking and Prostitution and presents the demands and activities of the women’s rights organisation aimed at an exit from prostitution supported by the whole of society.

Journalist and Chairwoman of TERRE DES FEMMES Inge Bell reports on an individual fate – an Eastern European woman she knew and whose case she documented long-term; and that this woman’s horrible experiences of violence haven’t been at all a singular case. That on the contrary the information in the internet about women in Tübingen and Reutlingen offer a hint that these could be women in similar situations, that they could also experience similar fates.

Raising the TERRE DES FEMMES flag by the Commissioner for Gender Equality of the University City of Tübingen, Luzia Köberlein for the International Day “NO to violence against women”

Necla Kelek, Christa Stolle and Inge Bell, the three Chairwomen of TERRE DES FEMMES.

TERRE DES FEMMES with Lord Mayor Boris Palmer and the Commissioner for Gender Equality Luzia Köberlein.

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