Festival impressions 2019 – Special Events
Querfeldein with Sisters e.V. and #ichbinkeinfreier
On November 25, the International Day “NO to violence against women”,
the Ribingurumu is packed with people when the student organization Querfeldein
opens the panel conversation in a cozy livingroom atmosphere.
The guests
are: Marie Kaltenbach from the association „Sisters – for the
Exit from Prostitution“ and Sarah Kim from the campaign #ichbinkeinfreier
(#I’m not a John).
Following the opening questions from the host, both explain why they are
fighting for the abolition of prostitution and an introduction of the so
called “Nordic Model” in which the purchase of sex is prohibited,
while prostitutes are being decriminalised. In the model, those buying
sex are punished and may even risk a prison sentence. Sarah Kim and Marie
Kaltenbach provide much information, which they have gained through their
work with women in prostitution who want to exit from that violence-driven
In Germany, between 200,000 and 1 million prostitutes are on the prostitution
market , 95% of them come from poor, Eastern European countries. Many of
them do not speak German and are in a predicament which forces them into
this activity. Their work often causes traumas that are similar to those
of war or torture survivors. Every day, 1.2 million men make use of prostitutes – their
longing for “fresh meat” fuels the trafficking of women through
Germany and the practices of customers become more and more uninhibited
and violent.
Supported by video clips based on real statements from prostitution survivors,
they paint a vivid picture of a reality infused with violence, that many
viewers have never observed before. Many people in the audience experience
eye-opening moments: They say that they have had other ideas or concepts
about it before, but now they are in favour of the “Nordic Model”.
Zonta says no to violence against women
On 25 November, the international day „NEIN to violence against women“ Zonta raises awareness at the Museum Cinema. The cinema’s facade and Zonta
representatives are dressed in orange to mark the occasion.
At the cinema,
they attend the screening of „For a Happy Life“, a film about
a forced marriage of young migrants in Belgium – he is from Pakistan,
she is from Algeria – who fight for their right to decide over their
love and relationship.
Sven Naisser
Reading and Discussion Necla Kelek
Sandra Stopper from TERRE DES FEMMES introduces sociologist and women‘s
rights activist Necla Kelek. Necla is founder of the “Initiative säkularer
Islam – Initiative for a Secular Islam” and board member of TERRE
She reads from her latest book: „Die unheilige Familie – Wie
die islamische Tradition Frauen und Kinder entrechtet - The Unholy Family – How
Islamic Tradition Deprives Women and Children of their rights“. She
also explains how islamic family tradition inhibit that women can exercise
basic rights and how Muslim men are also victims of power structures. She
demands a new political approach in order to enable real integration and
avoid the emergence of parallel societies. Subsequently, a lively discussion
with the audience takes place. The Oberer Museumssaal at the event by the
bookstore Osiander was filled to the last seat.